12 February 2013


My new favourite snack - rice balls! I got the recipe from Vegetarian Times (September 2012), even though it was in the 'kid-friendly' section. I really wanted to try them because I'd never made sushi rice before, and they seemed way easier than trying to make actual maki rolls. I saw sushi rice on sale at the grocery store, so I grabbed a bag and some avocado and got ready to assemble some Japanese snacks.

First I rinsed 1 cup of sushi rice in a strainer. Actually, I forgot this step the first time, but the water hadn't boiled yet so it wasn't too late. I assume it's important. Put the rice with 1 1/2 cups water in a pot, bring to a boil, then cover and simmer for 12 minutes, or until the water's all gone. Easy. Let it stand for a minute, then mix in 2 Tbsp rice vinegar, 1 Tbsp sugar and 1 tsp salt. You will feel like the master from Jiro Dreams of Sushi. The first time I made them I used agave nectar, and the second time I used granulated sugar. The agave nectar was way better - the sugar made them overly sweet. I bet honey would work well if you're not into agave nectar. But you should be, it's delicious.

After the rice had cooled on a pan for 5 minutes, it was time to assemble! My fillings were corn and diced avocado. The recipe suggested placing plastic wrap in a 1/2 cup measure to make it easy. I just filled it half way with the seasoned, sticky rice, put some of the veg in the middle, then put more rice on top. I gathered the plastic wrap at the top and squeezed it all into a dense ball.

One obvious problem - the rice kept sticking to my fingers, so I think I ate a little too much. It was just so tasty. These things are perfect work snacks - I made them the night before, just left them out on the counter overnight (horrible memory of a school dance with dry, refrigerated sushi) and had them the next day. The recipe made about 5 large balls - they didn't last longer than 24 hours. The rice was slightly sweet, salty and sour, and the avocado inside was delicious. A little hard to eat while walking (they sort of fall apart) but totally worth it.

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